Join us for our Christmas celebrations
November 30th, 2015

Come & celebrate Christmas at Holy Trinity, with a wide range of events and services for all ages.
There is an Advent carol service, family fun night, Christmas lunch and a range of church services over the coming weeks, for church members, local residents and visitors.
For families, there is a Christmas Fun and Quiz night on Friday December 18th, 6pm – 8pm in the Trinity Centre, High Cross Avenue, Melrose. A light supper will be served about halfway through the evening.
Christmas Eve, sees a traditional Christingle service for the children, at 4pm, and on Christmas day, Philip, Gavin and Kate - our Rector and his family - will be hosting a Christmas lunch for all who want to join them. Depending on numbers this will either be at the Rectory or the Trinity Centre. All are welcome, and if you wish to come there are also opportunities to help! Please contact Philip at the church office for details.
Details of events:
Sunday December 6th
8:30am Holy Communion
11.00am Sung Eucharist
6:30pm Advent Carol Service
Monday December 7th
7:30pm High Mass for the Virgin Mary
Sunday December 13th
8:30am Holy Communion
11.00am Sung Eucharist
6:30pm Sung Compline
Friday December 18th
6:00pm Family Christmas Fun and Quiz night (with an interval for a light supper).
Sunday December 20th
8:30am Holy Communion
11.00am Sung Eucharist
6:30pm Quiet Service of Reflection
Christmas Eve
4pm Christingle Service
11pm Midnight Mass
Christmas Day
10:30am Sung Eucharist
Sunday December 27th
8:30am Holy Communion
11.00am Sung Eucharist
New Year's Eve
7:00pm Taize Service
(Please note this is on Thursday New Year’s Eve, instead of the usual Wednesday)