Holy Trinity Calendar for this week Sunday 1st September
11.00am Plainsong Eucharist
Tuesday 2.30pm Eucharist Trinity Centre
Wednesday 11.00am Eucharist
Saturday 10am - 3.00pm Sukies' Scones Darnick Village Hall
Next Sunday PENTECOST 16
11.00am Choral Eucharist
3.00pm Messy Church Parish church & Hall.
Prayers, Intercessions, Remembrances
If you would like someone added to our Intercessions List can you please let the rector know. Please do not assume that we have the information. Thank you.
Choral Evensong for Melrose Music Festival
The end to this year's Melrose Music Festival will be a special service of Evensong on Sunday 15th September at 6.30pm, with Holy Trinity choir and the choir of St John's Princes Street. This service will be recorded and elements used for the following Sunday morning's broadcast on Radio 4. Please do join us and encourage your friends to come and join in the singing!
Please note there will be NO Choral Evensong on Sunday 1st September
Tuesday afternoon Eucharist Service
The next afternoon communion service in the Trinity Centre will be on Tuesday September 3rd. at 2.30pm. Refreshments to follow. All welcome.
Dry rot
There is an area at the back of church which is being investigated for dry rot. This has been fenced off, but the area outside of it is perfectly safe. Many thanks go to Carl for acting switfly on the discovery of the dry rot. Once a clearer picture is known we will inform the congregation of the extent.
Messy Church
Messy Church meets on Sunday afternoons at 3.00pm in Melrose Church and Hall. Our first Messy Church of the new session is on Sunday 8th September when we’ll begin looking at our Wonderful World, focusing this month on stars and planet. Messy Church is for everyone, though children must be accompanied by an adult. You are most welcome to come along, see what we do and join in the fun.
Trinity Centre Bookings
Please ensure you book the Trinity Centre for your event even if it is for a church group. Contact trinitycentremelrose@gmail.com. We need to be mindful of turning off lights, heaters, taps etc, putting furniture back where it is stored, away from heaters and fire exits. Please also clean and put away anything used in the kitchen and lock the building after use. Thank you for your understanding in this matter and enjoy your events in the Trinity Centre. Trinity Centre Management Committee
Suki’s Scones
As well as their educational successes Opportunities Zambia are just about to finish an orphanage for up to 22 children near their school in Chongwe, who have mostly been rescued from the streets of Lusaka thanks to Pastor Abraham, his wife Sarah and Julius.. They bought the land with money donated to them.
Suki's Scones - the sessions that Suki does in Darnick village hall to raise funds for Opportunities Zambia are usually the last Saturday in the month Coffee Morning from 10am, soup and scone 12.30-2pm, Afternoon Tea 2-3pm. Smith’s Memorial Hall, Darnick.
Borderlands Men’s Christian Conference
For men with an interest in following Jesus in everyday life, whether you go to church or not. Saturday 28 September 2024 10am – 4.30pm Cross Keys Hotel, Kelso – £29 (including lunch & refreshments) or £22 (if you bring you own lunch). Guest Speaker: Prof Angus Jamieson. Worship led by Greg de Blieck (New Scottish Hymns). Contact: borderlandsmcc@gmail.co.uk
Ruth’s coffee mornings at Lindean Village Hall
These are still on Wednesdays 10.30 to 12. 30. And her porch is ‘always open’. As always all donations go to supporting two projects in Malawi
New Every Sunday is on BBC Radio Scotland at 7am
An act of worship with Eder Ferraz Goncalves, Pastor of Perth Baptist Church.
Songs of Praise is on Sunday at 1.15pm on BBC2
One Hundred Years of Religious Broadcasting
Pam Rhodes joins a congregation at St Martin-in-the-Fields, London, to celebrate 100 years of religious broadcasting and meets Christians still sharing faith on air today.
Sunday Worship is on Sunday at 8.10am BBC Radio 4
God’s Equipping
A Service from Northern Ireland which reflects on how God equips His people, with the New Irish Youth Choir
Online resources
The web page for the Scottish Episcopal Church broadcasts is located at www.scotland.anglican.org/broadcast-sunday-worship .
The diocesan magazine The Communicant is produced fortnightly and can be downloaded if you scroll down this page https://edinburgh.anglican.org/publications/the-communicant/
The Church of England website has lots of resources for daily prayer
Choral Evensong online - Available whenever you want it. https://www.choralevensong.org/uk/where-and-when-are-evensongs-streamed-online-around-britain-and-ireland.php