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Holy Trinity Calendar for this week Sunday 9th February          


Today         EPIPHANY 5                           

                          11.00am          Choral Eucharist                           Holy Trinity & Live streamed​

 ​​            ​               3.00pm          Messy Church                                 Parish Church

Monday            2.00pm          Monday Club                                  Trinity Centre

Tuesday            2.30pm          Worship & Fellowship                     St John's Care Home


Wednesday    11.00am          Said Eucharist                               Trinity Centre

​ ​​​​​​


​Next Sunday     EPIPHANY 6                        

                          11.00am          Choral Eucharist                          Holy Trinity & live streamed            


Prayers, Intercessions, Remembrances

If you would like someone added to our Intercessions List can you please let the rector know. Please do not assume that we have the information. Thank you.​​​​​​​

Worship and Fellowship at St John's Care Home

On Tuesday afternoon at 2.30pm there will be a short service of worship followed by afternoon tea in St John’s Care Home. Please come along and share this time with the residents 


The Communicant

The latest edition of the Communicant with news and notices for the Diocese of Edinburgh is now available at:


Pilgrim-Journeys 2025

This is a non-profit seeking, ecumenical Christian organisation established in 1988. Each year they offer a programme of pilgrim-journeys through Britain and Ireland. 

This year you can join them in West Wales, Co. Wexford, Northumbria and on the Island of Iona. For full programme details please visit the Journeying website:


Firstly a big thank you to those who have been recycling milk tops in the Trinity Centre in recent years.  These can now be recycled with the containers in their usual recycling bin. 

The collection bag in the Trinity Centre will be there for a few more weeks until people catch up with this.

Please note that this not affect Blister Packs which we will continue to collect.  

Update on the dry rot.

Many of you have asked concerning the dry rot situation in the church - namely when we might be moving out of the church so that the work can be done.

Rather frustratingly, we are not a great deal further forward. The dry rot was treated to stop it's advance some time ago now, but before the necessary work can be done on the church, we are awaiting the insurer's report on whether they believe the work done will be covered by them. We had hoped this might have been done by now, but it looks like it will take a few more weeks. Obviously we can't engage contractors to do the work until we know we can pay them. The most optimistic scenario is that we will be moving out of our church at some point during February, for a period of two or three months, but we will update you as soon as we can.

Ruth’s coffee mornings at Lindean Village Hall

These are normally on Wednesdays 10.30 to 12. 30.    And her porch is ‘always open’. As always all donations go to supporting two projects in Malawi..... the AMAO orphanage and 'teen club' supporting young people who are HIV positive. All will be welcome.

Messy Church

Messy Church meets at 3.00pm on the second Sunday of the month (Feb 9th) in Melrose Parish Church and Hall. There are stories, games, crafts, singing, food and fun… Messy Church is for families however members of the congregation are most welcome to come along and watch or join in. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Borders Chamber Orchestra 

The winter concert takes place on February 15th in Melrose Parish Church - please see poster. ​

World Day of Prayer Friday 7th March

Every year, on the first Friday of March, the World Day of Prayer is held in local churches, literally all round the world.  This year's service has been put together by Christian lay women in the Cook Islands.  Presenting and leading this service over the years in Melrose has been shared by the Parish Church; St Cuthbert's and Holy Trinity.  This year it is our turn to lead the event, but it is likely that we will be holding the service in St Cuthbert's as the work to resolve the dry rot closes our church.

I am happy to help organise our input into this but would welcome offers to help with reading; music; welcoming; refreshments and general background support.  Murielle has offered to help with refreshments and Pip with the music.  

So if anyone can help, especially with reading, refreshments and welcome, please let me know.  

There are two further meetings (11.02.25: 25.02.25) to plan, plus one to run through the service (04.03. 25.)  All are 10.30 in St Cuthbert's with the three churches together and it would be good if there were lay people from Holy Trinity with me prepared to be involved - especially as we are the lead church for 2025! 

                                                                Many thanks.     Liz Williams  07976752766

Trinity Centre Bookings

Please ensure you book the Trinity Centre for your event even if it is for a church group. Contact We need to be mindful of turning off lights, heaters, taps etc, putting furniture back where it is stored, away from heaters and fire exits. Please also clean and put away anything used in the kitchen and lock the building after use. Thank you for your understanding in this matter and enjoy your events in the Trinity Centre. Trinity Centre Management Committee



New Every Sunday is on BBC Radio Scotland at 7am

​Act of worship with the Rev Neil MacMillan of Cornerstone, Free Church of Scotland, Edinburgh.

Songs of Praise is on Sunday at 1.15pm on BBC2

Belfast's Religious Gems
Claire McCollum is in her home city of Belfast, discovering some of its many hidden religious gems with the help of two Christian tour guides.


​​Sunday Worship is on Sunday at 8.10am BBC Radio 4

Love's Journey
Writer and broadcaster Richard Littledale is joined by some friends as they walk up and over the Great Orme, a rocky headland in North Wales. What is the longer view of love in life’s ups and downs?

​​​​​Online resources

The web page for the Scottish Episcopal Church broadcasts is located at .​


The diocesan magazine The Communicant is produced fortnightly and can be downloaded if you scroll down this page

​The Church of England website has lots of resources for daily prayer  


Choral Evensong online - Available whenever you want it.

© 2014 Holy Trinity Episcopal Church ~ 20 High Cross Avenue Melrose Scotland TD6 9SU ~ Tel: 01896 822626

Scottish Registered Charity Number SC000966

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