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Easter at Holy Trinity

19 March, 2016

Come and celebrate Holy Week and Easter with Holy Trinity.  We have a range of events to appeal to all ages and stages. Visitors are welcome at any time, but especially at this special time in the Church’s calendar. 


Palm Sunday March 20:

We will be hosting a "Come and Sing" rendition of Stainer's Crucifixion. This very popular piece involves  congregational hymns and lively music. All are invited to attend and we especially welcome anyone who wishes to join in the choir. Please tell your friends who sing, so we can have a rousing chorus! Scores will be provided for all singers. The performance is free with a retiring collection. Rehearsal 3:30 pm, performance 6:30 pm.


Maundy Thursday, March 24, 7.30pm:

Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Stripping of the Altar, Night Watch


Good Friday March 25, 10am:

Service for children & families

2 pm:

Liturgy of Good Friday


Holy Saturday, March 26, 8.30pm:

Vigil Service and First Mass of Easter.  These are the most important services of the church's year when we journey with Christ to

the cross and beyond.


Easter Sunday, March 27, 8.30am:

Holy Communion.  11am: Sung Eucharist.  Children can celebrate Easter with Sunday school during this service, followed by our usual Easter Egg hunt in the church grounds towards the end of the service.  All are welcome.


Other services taking place in the area

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, March 21-23, 10.30a.m:  Short service of worship in the Chapel at Melrose Parish Church followed by an organ recital allowing for a time of reflection. Coffee served after the service.


Friday March 25 7pm:  Worship for Good Friday with Abbey Consort at the Parish Church


Easter Sunday, March 27, 7.30am: Ecumenical celebration within Dryburgh Abbey followed by tea /coffee and bacon butties at St Boswells Parish Church Hall.


Easter Sunday, March 27, 8am: Worship on the Eildon Hills with Melrose Parish Church

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© 2014 Holy Trinity Episcopal Church ~ 20 High Cross Avenue Melrose Scotland TD6 9SU ~ Tel: 01896 822626

Scottish Registered Charity Number SC000966

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