Celebrate Christmas at Holy Trinity
29 November, 2016

Enjoy Christmas at Holy Trinity, with a range of events to help you get into the festive mood and celebrate the joy of the Christmas story with us.
The countdown begins with a family service on Sunday December 4, with carols, Christmas trees and Christingles keeping the celebrations going until Christmas day and then on to the Epiphany in the New Year.
The details are:
Sunday 4th Dec 11am Family service: Countdown to Christmas
Child-friendly service celebrating the Christmas Story
Sunday 11th Dec 6.30pm Service of lessons & carols for Advent
Magical candlelit service in the hushed atmosphere of Holy Trinity, with our splendid choir and much-loved hymns and carols
Sunday 18th Dec 3.30pm Afternoon tea at the Rectory
A social gathering round the fire for mince pies and mulled wine at the Rectory
(next to the church)
Wednesday 21st Dec 6.30pm Carols and Christmas Trees
An informal evening of poetry, laughter, familiar carols and festive cheer
Christmas Eve 5pm Christingle
Our popular Christingle service for children & families, hunting for the characters that make up our crib scene. Bring a torch, oranges are provided!
Christmas Eve 11pm Service of the Nativity
Traditional, candlelit Eucharist to bring in the season of Christmas.
Christmas Day 10.30am Festive Service
Celebrate the birth of Christ & join us afterwards for a celebratory glass of wine.
New Year’s Eve 7pm Taizé service
Quiet, gentle service, as we take our leave of 2016 and look towards the New Year.
Sunday 1st Jan 11am Traditional Eucharist service
Sunday 8th Jan 11am Epiphany Family service
Family-friendly service featuring three wise men, lots of presents and Horrible Herod.
Sunday 8th Jan 6.30pm Epiphany choral service
A glorious choral service to celebrate the end of the Christmas Season.