Easter celebrations
5 April, 2017

Come and join in the joy of the Easter message at Holy Trinity, with a range of services leading up to our celebrations on Easter Sunday.
There are a range of events throughout Holy Week, including choral music, children's services and a performance of Handel's Messiah. All are welcome.
The full details are:
Palm Sunday 9th April
8:30am Holy Communion
11am Sung Eucharist
6:30pm Tenebrae: devotional performance of choral music
Maundy Thursday 13th April
7:30pm Sung Eucharist and stripping of the altar
Good Friday 14th April
10am The Saddest day: Good Friday Children’s service
2pm Devotional service
Saturday April 15th
8:30pm Easter Vigil service
Easter Sunday April 16th
8.30am Holy Communion
11am Sung Eucharist: with children’s Easter egg hunt
1 pm Bring and share lunch in the Rectory (please advise if coming)
7pm Abbey Consort: Handel’s “Messiah”