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News & notices

Easter at Holy Trinity

Join us at Holy Trinity to celebrate Easter, with a number of services and events for everyone.


Holy Week Services

Maundy Thursday, 2nd April:

7:30pm: Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Stripping of the Altar and Night watch

Good Friday, 3rd April:

10:30am: The Story of the Passion for Children

2:00pm: Liturgy of Good Friday

Saturday, 4th April:

8:30pm: Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday, 5th April:

Services at 8:30am and 11:00am

Mural & window at rear of church



Easter Celebration Lunch


Following our Easter celebrations on Sunday morning, there will be a celebration lunch at the Rectory.  All are invited and there will be plenty of food, wine and good conversation, plus a welcome opportunity to do some of whatever you have given up for Lent.

If anyone is yearning to contribute via one of their "signature bakes" that would be appreciated, but not essential! Please speak to Kate Blackledge concerning the catering, and please let either Kate or the Rector know if you intend to come along.



March 2015:  The music of Holy Week, Lenten appeals, observances & competitions, Saints & Feasts of March, report from Vestry Away day.









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Organ replacement - Volunteers needed!: Are you able-bodied, and free on the 9th, 10th, or 13-17th April? Our pipe organ is being removed, and we need some keen volunteers to (a) help remove the pipes to go into storage (b) help dispose of the now redundant organ mechanisms, and (c) take any scrap wood used for the organ frame to the tip. A trailer, or a car with a large boot, would also be a bonus! Please speak to the Rector if you are able to help out for any length of time.


The Flower Guild: Mary Edwards has taken over from Pam Johnson as Convenor of the Flower Guild.  Thanks to Pam for her many years as Convenor and for her beautiful arrangements over the years.  Also the Flower Festival has been postponed for a year - to June 2016, with a planning meeting for anyone interested on Saturday 12th September 2015.


Sunday School: We now have an established Sunday School each week and it would be wonderful if anyone else would like to become involved, either as a leader or helper. If you are interested, or want to know more, please speak to Jane Barley or Carol Thompson.


Women’s Fellowship:  Daffodil Tea in the Trinity Centre on Thursday 23 April at 2.30, where Melanie Acey (from the Fabric Shop) will be giving a demonstration entitled "Gift Wrapping".


Central Borders Network of Eco-Congregation Scotland meeting:  Monday 13th April, 7.30pm at St Boswell’s Parish Church, Main Street, St Boswells, TD6 0AP.  The Rev Trevor Jamison, Environmental Chaplain for Eco-Congregation Scotland, will be exploring the question “The Environment: A Christian Imperative?”. 



Afternoon Tea & Art Tour, Bemersyde House: in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care, Thursday 16th April,  2.30 pm.  Tour the art collection and enjoy afternoon tea & Garden Walk led by Lady Haig. Tickets £15, from Caroline Green,  01896 822214.


Old Melrose walks: start from the Old Melrose Tearoom at 1.30 pm on the first Monday of each month between April and October.


Spring Fayre:  Saturday 2nd May, 10am – 12 noon, Corn Exchange, Melrose. If you can help or have goods to donate please contact Liz Anderson 01896 755218.

© 2014 Holy Trinity Episcopal Church ~ 20 High Cross Avenue Melrose Scotland TD6 9SU ~ Tel: 01896 822626

Scottish Registered Charity Number SC000966

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